Fox News Channel’s Facebook bigotry problem.
I really hate to be the one to report this, but, because I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, who abhors any sort of true and honest bigotry towards anyone, I must. I came across this on facebook,...
View ArticleAnother White Police Officer shot, this time in Houston, TX
What say you, #blacklivesmatter? From the AP: HOUSTON (AP) — A sheriff’s deputy in uniform was shot and killed Friday night while filling up his patrol car at a suburban Houston gas station, according...
View ArticleI guess the “tolerant left” does not like it when I tell the truth!
Remember my posting about the Texas Deputy who was executed for being in a uniform and for being white? Well, it seems that someone did not like my telling of the truth about the situation; here’s a...
View ArticleJustice? Detroit Drug Dealer and FBI informant “White Boy Rick” to be...
This is an interesting development. Via The Detroit Free Press: Richard Wershe Jr.— known as White Boy Rick — wore European suits and had a full head of hair when he gained notoriety as a teenage drug...
View ArticleLeftists show their true colors at the news of Nancy Reagan’s passing
This, my friends, is the true colors of the Democratic Party and the leftist base that supports them. This is why I quit voting for them. This is the sort of bile that drove me away from that Party. I...
View ArticleFox News Channel’s Facebook bigotry problem.
I really hate to be the one to report this, but, because I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, who abhors any sort of true and honest bigotry towards anyone, I must. I came across this on facebook,...
View ArticleAmerican Muslim Khizr Khan who’s Son died in Iraq in 2004, gives stinging...
I hate to say this; but, this guy, gave Donald Trump a huge black eye. The Video: (H/T to WaPo) Skip to 3:35 in the video and just watch… The money clip in this video, happens at 4:22 and continues to...
View ArticleLocal Story: Black Kid, in mostly white neighborhood, knocks on door, gets...
Stories like this really set me off man. I really hate it, when stuff like this happens. To set this up, Rochester Hills, Michigan is an upper middle class, predominately white neighborhood. In fact,...
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